International Affairs Building
420 West 118th St.
New York, NY 10027
Spring 2022
SIPA INAF U8195 Behavioral Development Economics
GU4913 Behavioral Insights into Economic Development (Senior Seminar)
The Invisible Hand of Culture: How It Affects Economic and Social
Progress and Can Make a Society Rigid
K. Hoff, A. Demeritt, J.E. Stiglitz
Columbia University Press
Behavioral Development Economics
K. Hoff, A. Demeritt
Invited entry to the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance
Epistemic Discrimination Against Women: Experimental Evidence from India (with Tauhidur Rahman and Vijayendra Rao) (April 2017 draft)
SSRN: or
Curriculum Vitae
Karla Hoff
December 2021
Karla Hoff
December 2021
International Affairs Building
420 West 118th St.
New York, NY 10027
Cell phone: (240) 413-2758
International Affairs Building
420 West 118th St.
New York, NY 10027
Cell phone: (240) 413-2758
US citizen
Birth date: 9-22-1953
US citizen
Birth date: 9-22-1953
Princeton University, PhD in Economics, 1989
(Advisors: Joseph Stiglitz, Avinash Dixit, Tim Besley)
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, M.A. in Law and Diplomacy, 1978
Wellesley College, BA 1974
Columbia University: Adjunct Professor of International and Public Affairs, 2020-date; Visiting Professor of International and Public Affairs, 2016-2020
World Bank, Development Research Group: Lead Economist, 2016-2020; Senior Research Economist, 1999-2016
Co-director, World Development Report 2015: Mind, Society, and Behavior
Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania, Fall 2017
Guest Professor, Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, U. of Pennsylvania Spring 2012 and Spring 2013
Visiting Lecturer, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, 2009
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Princeton University, 1998-99
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Maryland, 1989-97
International Tax Economist, Office of Tax Analysis, U.S. Treasury Department, 1978-84
Peace Corps Volunteer, Ivory Coast, 1974-75.
Founding Associate of Economic Research in Identity, Norms, and Narratives (ERINN), 2016- date
World Bank Economic Review: Associate Editor, 2016 to 2020; Editorial board, 2000-06, 2008-10;
Guest Editor, 1990-91
Coeditor, Journal of Globalization and Development, 2017
Member, Program Committee of the 2014 International Economic Association Congress
World Bank Gender Board, 2011-2013
Research Scholar, University of Pennsylvania, Fall 2012
UNICEF Academic Consultation on Social Norms and the Human Rights and Well-being of Children, 2010
Princeton University Research Scholar, Fall 2008
Member: Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research Network on the Structure and Evolution of Institutions, 2005
Member: Pew Charitable Trust Research Network: The Moral and Social Dimensions of Microeconomic Behavior in Low-Income Communities, 2002-2004
Member: MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Inequality and Economic Performance, 1996-2006
Member: Review board for the MacArthur Foundation Empowerment Zone Research Project, 1995-96
Visiting Scholar, London School of Economics, Fall 1991
Brookings Fellow, 1988-89
World Bank DEC-VPU Award to the 2015 World Development Report team
Citation of Excellence, Top 50 Papers, Emerald Management Review 2009 for “Exiting a Lawless State,” Economic Journal 2008
Excellence in Refereeing Award, American Economic Review, 2009
World Bank Spot Awards, 2002 and 2008
Reed College, Bernard Goldhammer Memorial Lecture, 2002
Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Maryland, Dept. of Economics, 1994, 1996, 1997
Princeton University Fellowship, 1985-89
Wellesley College Scholar, 1974
National Merit Scholar, 1970
Edited Books
1. Poverty Traps (with Samuel Bowles and Steven Durlauf), Princeton University Press, 2006; paperback edition, 2016.
Recommended by 21st Century Economics – Economic Ideas You Should Read and Remember, eds. Frey and Schaltegger, 2019.
2. The Economics of Rural Organization: Theory, Practice, and Policy (with Avishay Braverman and Joseph E. Stiglitz), Oxford University Press, 1993.
Journal Articles
1. Using Behavioral Economics to Reduce Poverty and Oppression (with Allison Demeritt). Social Philosophy &
Policy, forthcoming in 2023.
2. Cultural Impediments to Learning to Cooperate: An Experimental Study of High- and Low-Caste Men in Rural India (with Benjamin Brooks and Priyanka Pandey), 2018, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115 (45): 11385-11392.
3. The Making of Behavioral Development Economics (with Allison Demeritt), 2018. History of Political Economy, 50 (annual supplement): 303-322.
4. The Whys of Social Exclusion: Insights from Behavioral Economics (with James Walsh). 2018. World Bank Research Observer 33(1): 1-33.
5. Striving for Balance in Economics: Towards a Theory of the Social Determination of Behavior (with Joseph E. Stiglitz), 2016. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 126, Part B: 25-57.
Summary at:
6. Making Up People: The Effect of Identity on Performance in a Modernizing Society (with Priyanka Pandey), 2014. Journal of Development Economics, 106:118-131.
7. Tastes, Castes, and Culture: The Influence of Society on Preferences (with Ernst Fehr), Economic Journal, 121 (November), 2011, F396-F412.
8. Caste and Punishment—The Legacy of Caste Culture in Norm Enforcement (with Mayuresh Kshetramade and Ernst Fehr), Economic Journal, 121(November), 2011, F449-F475.
9. Equilibrium Fictions: A Cognitive Approach to Societal Rigidity (with Joseph E. Stiglitz), American Economic Review, 100, 2010, 141-146.
10. Dysfunctional Finance: Positive Shocks and Negative Outcomes, Journal of Globalization and Development, 1(1) 2010 (January).
11. Turnover in Power as a Restraint on Investing in Influence: Evidence from the Post-Communist Transition (with Branko Milanovic and Shale Horowitz), Economics and Politics,2010 (November), vol. 22 (3), 329-361.
12. Government Turnover: Concepts, Measures, and Applications (with Branko Milanovic and Shale Horowitz), European Journal of Political Research, March 2009.
13. Exiting a Lawless State (with Joseph E. Stiglitz), Economic Journal 118(531), August 2008, 1474-1497.
14. Spite and Development (with Ernst Fehr and Mayuresh Kshetramade), American Economic Review 98(2), May 2008, 494-99
15. Discrimination, Social Identity, and Durable Inequalities (with Priyanka Pandey), American Economic Review, 96 (2), May 2006, 206-211.
16. Opportunity Is Not Everything: How Belief Systems and Mistrust Shape Responses to Economic Incentives (with Priyanka Pandey). Economics of Transition 13 (2), Special issue on Institutions and Economic Performance, July 2005, 445-472
Reprinted in Ashwini Deshpande, ed., Discrimination, Oxford University Press (India).
17. Homeownership, Community Interactions, and Segregation (with Arijit Sen), American Economic Review 95 (4), Sept. 2005, 1167-1189.
18. After the Big Bang? Obstacles to the Emergence of the Rule of Law in Post-Communist Societies (with Joseph E. Stiglitz), American Economic Review 94 (3), June 2004, 753-763
Reprinted in: Economic development: The critical role of competition, law, and policy. Eleanor M. Fox and Abel M. Mateus, eds. Cheltenham, Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011.
The Russian Economy, Stephen Fortescue, ed., Routledge, 2016.
19. Paths of Institutional Development: A View from Economic History, World Bank Research Observer 18(2), 2003, 2205-226.
20. Beyond Rosenstein-Rodan: The Modern Theory of Coordination Problems in Development, Proceedings of the Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2000, Washington DC: World Bank, 2001, 145-188.
Translation in Nanjing Business Review 14 (2009), pp. 1-30.
21. Moneylenders and Bankers: Price-Increasing Subsidies with Monopolistic Competition, (with Joseph E. Stiglitz), Journal of Development Economics 55, 1998, 485-518.
22. Bayesian Learning in a Model of Infant Industries, Journal of International Economics 43, 1997, 409-36.
23. Market Failures and the Distribution of Wealth: A Perspective from the Economics of Information, Politics and Society 24, 1996, 411-432.
Reprinted in Recasting Egalitarianism: New Rules for Communities, States, and Markets, Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis, Verso, 1998, ch. 16.
Translated into Portuguese: Distribuicao de Riqueza e Crescimento Economico, Estudos Nead 2 , 2000, Brasilia, Brazil, NEAD, 61-94.
24. Non-Leaky Buckets: Optimal Redistributive Taxation and Agency Costs (with Andrew Lyon), Journal of Public Economics 58, 1995, 365-90.
25. The Second Theorem of the Second Best, Journal of Public Economics 25, 1994, 223-242
26. A Reexamination of the Neoclassical Trade Model under Uncertainty, Journal of International Economics 36, 1994, 1-27.
27. Land Taxes, Output Taxes, and Sharecropping: Was Henry George Right? World Bank Economic Review 5, 1991, 93-112
28. Imperfect Information and Rural Credit Markets: Puzzles and Policy Perspectives, with Joseph E. Stiglitz, World Bank Economic Review 5, 1990, 235-250.
Chapters in Edited Books
1. The Third Function of Law: Its Power to Change Cultural Categories (with James Walsh). In: Kaushik Basu and Robert Hockett (eds), Law, Economics, and Conflict, Cornell University Press, 2021, pp. 55-85.
2. “Small Miracles”—Behavioral Insights to Improve Development Policy: The World Development Report 2015 (with Allison Demeritt). In: Contemporary Issues in Development Economics, edited by Timothy Besley, 2015. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 3, pp. 19-43.
3. Behavioral Economics and Social Exclusion: Can Interventions Overcome Prejudice? In: Inequality and Growth: Patterns and Policy, Volume 1, edited by Kaushik Basu and Joseph E. Stiglitz, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 172-193.
4. The Kin System as a Poverty Trap? (with Arijit Sen), in Poverty Traps, Samuel Bowles, Steven Durlauf, and Karla Hoff (eds.), Princeton University Press, 2006, 95-115.
5. The Extended Family System and Market Interactions (with Arijit Sen), in The Social Economics of Poverty: On Identities, Groups, Communities, and Networks, Christopher Barrett (ed.), Routledge, 2005, 171-87.
6. The Transition Process in Post-Communist Societies: Towards a Political Economy of Property Rights (with J.E. Stiglitz), in Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, Europe 2003: Toward Pro-Poor Policies--Aid, Institutions, and Globalization. World Bank and Oxford University Press, 2004, 231-245.
Translations in: Revue d'economie du developpement (2003)
Nanjing Business Review 4 (2005), pp. 22-37, (under the title, “The Transition from Communism: A Diagrammatic Exposition of Obstacles to the Demand for the Rule of Law”).
7. Can Privatization Come Too Soon? Politics after the Big Bang in Post-Communist Societies. In Economics for an Imperfect World, eds. Richard Arnott, Bruce Greenward, Ravi Kanbur, and Barry Nalebuff, MIT Press, 2003, 549-565
8. Modern Economic Theory and Development, with Joseph. E. Stiglitz, in Frontiers of Development Economics, Gerald Meier and J.E. Stiglitz (eds), Oxford University Press, 2001, 389-459.
9. Introduction: Agricultural Taxation and Land Rights Systems, World Bank Economic Review 5, 1991, 85-92.
Encyclopedia Articles
10. “Caste System,” in The Sage Encyclopedia of Political Behavior, ed. Fathali M. Moghaddam, Sage Publications, 2017.
11. “Joseph E. Stiglitz,” in New Palgrave Encyclopedia, 2nd ed. Steven N. Durlauf and Larry E. Blume (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
12. “Second and Third Best Theories,” in Reader's Guide to the Social Sciences, London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2001.
13. “Joseph E. Stiglitz,” International Encyclopedia of Business and Management , 2nd edition, Malcolm Warner (ed.), London: Berkshire House, 2001, 6041-6054.
14. Do Social Factors Determine “Who We Are”? Comment on Kenneth Arrow, in The State of Economics, the State of the World., eds. K. Basu, D. Rosenblatt, C. Sepulveda, MIT Press, 2020, 37-46.
15. Behavioral Development Economics: A New Approach to Policy Interventions (with Allison Demeritt and James Walsh) VoxEU, May 20, 2015,
16. Equilibrium Fictions, Societal Rigidity, and Affirmative Action, VoxEU, April 24, 2012,
17. Fairness in Modern Society, Science, 327 (no. 5972), pp. 1467-68, March 19, 2010 (invited comment on Henrich et al. “Markets, religion, community size and the evolution of fairness and punishment,” Science, same date).
18. Political Alternation, Regardless of Ideology, Diminishes Influence Buying: Lessons from Transitions in Former Communist States (with Shale Horowtiz and Branko Milanovic), Policy Outlook, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, January 2005, 1-6.
19. Comment on Sendhil Mullainathan, “Development Economics through the Lens of Psychology,” Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2005, Washington DC: World Bank, 2005, 79-86.
20. Comment on Abhijit Banerjee, "Land Reforms: Prospects and Strategies," Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1999, Washington DC: World Bank, 2000, 275-284.
21. Comment on Ravi Kanbur and Nora Lustig, "Why Is Inequality Back on the Agenda," Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1999, Washington DC: World Bank, 2000, 307-13.
22. Comment on Timothy Besley, "Political Economy of Targeting: Theory and Institutions," Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1996, Washington DC: World Bank, 1997, 135-140.
Book Reviews
23. Kaushik Basu, Beyond the Invisible Hand: Groundwork for a New Economics (Princeton University Press, 2011). In Journal of Economic Literature, 49(4) December 2011.
24. Gareth Austin and Kaoru Sugihara (eds.), Local Suppliers of Credit in the Third World, 1750-1960 (St. Martin's Press). In Journal of Development Economics, 1996, 403-407.
25. Anne Krueger, Political Economy of Policy Reform in Developing Countries (MIT Press). In Journal of Economic Literature, 1994, 78-79.
26. Douglass C. North, Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economic Performance (Cambridge University Press). In Kyklos, 1992, 582-585.
27. Jean-Jacques Laffont, The Economics of Uncertainty and Information (MIT Press) and Louis Phlips, The Economics of Imperfect Information (Cambridge University Press). In Managerial and Decision Economics, 1991, 411-413.
Working Papers
28. Participatory Theater Empowers Women: Evidence from India (with Jyotsna Jalan and Sattwik Santra), World Bank Policy Research Working Paper WPS9680
29. Lab-in-the-field Experiments: Insights into Discrimination and Ways to Reduce It (with Allison Demeritt), submitted to The Handbook on Economics of Discrimination and Affirmative Action, A Deshpande (Ed.), Springer
30. The Role of Cognitive Frames in Societal Rigidity and Change (with J.E. Stiglitz) 2011. (A shortened version is “Equilibrium Fictions: A Cognitive Approach to Societal Rigidity,” American Economic Review 2010.)
Work in Progress
1. The Invisible Hand of Culture: How It Affects Economic and Social Progress and Can Make a Society Rigid (with
Allison Demeritt and Joseph E. Stiglitz), Columbia University Press
2. Lab-in-the-field Experiments: Insights into Discrimination and Ways to Reduce It (with Allison Demeritt), submitted to The Handbook on Economics of Discrimination and Affirmative Action, A Deshpande (Ed.), Springer
3. The Lenses Through Which We See the World: A New Perspective on What Makes Economic and Social Progress Possible (with Allison Demeritt and Joseph E. Stiglitz), Columbia U Press
4. Behavioral Development Economics. Entry submitted to Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, revise and resubmit
Conferences, Symposia, and Panels Organized
- Co-organizer of a session on “Lessons from the field: Successes in the development sector,” in Behavioral Sciences and Policy Association (BSPA) conference, April 29, 2016.
- Co-organizer with Paul Collier and George Akerlof: Research Workshop on Dysfunctional Institutions, Feb. 6-7, 2016.
- Co-organizer of a session at the Global Economic Symposium, Kiel, Germany, October 2015: How to design policies for humans rather than Homo economicus
- Organizer: Program on the World Development Report 2015 for the International Economics Association, Jordan, June 2014.
- Co-organizer with Ghazala Mansuri: 4th World Bank conference on Equity, Aspirations, Poverty, and Inequality,” May 2014
- Organizer: Program on Behavioral Economics for the Africa Region, World Bank, Nov. 2012
- Co-organizer with Ernst Fehr: Symposium on Endogenous Preferences for the Economic Journal, 2011.
- Organizer: Panel on Development, Culture, and Institutions, AEA Annual Meetings, Jan. 2010
- Organizer: Conference on Political Economy of Transition Countries, CERGE (Prague), Sept. 2004
- Co-organizer with A. Braverman and J. E. Stiglitz: Conference on the Economics of Rural Organization, World Bank (in Annapolis, Md.), July 1989
Research Presentations, 2005-2022
NYU Sociology of Culture Workshop, April 22, 2022
Conference (virtual) on HONORLOGIC: The Cultural Logic of Honor and Social Interaction: A Cross-Cultural Comparison, University of Kent, Feb. 10, 2022.
University of Arizona, Workshop on Poverty, Agency, and Development. [“Using behavioral economics to reduce poverty and oppression”], Dec. 3-4, 2021.
ERINN 2020 virtual conference, April 15-16, 2021. “Participatory Theater Empowers Women: Evidence from India”
Princeton University, Social Externalities: A Virtual Workshop on Concepts and Applications, May 11-12, 2020.
Columbia University, Development Practitioners Seminar, April 27, 2020
World Bank, Jan. 2020
Cornell University, Nov. 21, 2019.
Behavioral Economics and the Economics of Inequality, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 7-8, 2019. Conference organized by the University of Edinburgh and Cornell University [“Cultural impediments to learning to cooperate”].
University of East Anglia, England, June 11, 2019 [“Theater of the Oppressed and Women’s Empowerment”]
NIMBioS Workshop on Social Norms, April 23-25, 2019, U. of Tennessee
2019 ASREC Conference [“Participatory community theater and women’s empowerment”]
2019 AEA Conference Poster Session [“Cultural impediments to learning to cooperate”]
Center for Experimental Social Science (CESS), Nuffield College, Oxford. Workshop on “Measuring the Tricky Things,” October 2018.
ERINN 2018 Conference, Exeter College, Oxford, June 14-15, 2018 “Collective story editing: Evidence from India of a theater intervention that increases married women’s agency and freedom from violence.”
ideas42, Seminar, April 16, 2018. “Cultural impediments to learning to cooperate: An experimental study of high- and low-caste men in rural India”
Cornell Research Academy of Development, Law, and Economics, Conference on April 12-13, 2018. “The old one-two: Using law to promote social change.”
The Governance and Social Inclusion Group, World Bank, March 14, 2018. “The whys of social exclusion.”
U.S. National Academy of Sciences conference co-organized by Joseph Henrich on Pressing Questions in the Study of Psychological and Behavioral Diversity, Sept. 7-9, 2017. [“Cultural impediments to learning to cooperate”].
Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Scholarly Borderlands Initiative, New York, October 27, 2017 (Conference organized by Elizabeth Levy Paluck)
Economic Science Institute/Institute for the Study of Religion, Economics, and Society (ESI/IRES) at Chapman University, Sept. 6, 2017.
International Economic Association Conference (IEA), Mexico, June 2017 [“Theater for Development Can Raise Aspirations for Girls and Promote Norms against Domestic Violence: A Case Study in India”]
Duke University, April 28, 2017 [“The making of behavioral development economics”]
Center for Advanced Hindsight (Dan Ariely’s group), Duke University, May 2, 2017
Economic Research in Identity, Narratives, and Norms (ERINN), First conference. Washington DC, April 22-23, 2017.
Columbia University, Department of Economics, April 19, 2017
Association for the Study of Religion, Economics, and Culture (ASREC), Boston, Feb. 25, 2017
ASSA—Jan 2017—
University of Pennsylvania, Nov 2016.
Center for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, July 18, 2016
Policy Research Talk, World Bank, March 28, 2016.
Research Workshop on Dysfunctional Institutions, World Bank, Feb. 6-7, 2016.
Princeton University Development Lab, December 3, 2015
Global Economics Symposium, Kiel, Germany, October 12-14, 2015.
Keynote speaker at Annual Trans-Saharan Counterterrorism Partnership Conference,
US Department of State, October 6, 2015.
Conference in memory of John van Huyck, Texas A&M University, October 22, 2015
European Philosophy of Science Association, EPSA15, Fifth Annual Conference, University of Dṻsseldorf, Germany, Sept. 23-24, 2015
Institut d’etudes avancées, Nantes, France, April 28, 2015
Keynote speaker in the Development Workshop: Mind, Society, and Behavior, University of Arizona, April 16-17, 2015.
Sociology of Development conference on 13-15 March 2015, Brown University
Keynote speaker at Conference on Public Norms and Government Performance, Princeton University, March 2015.
World Bank Poverty and Applied Micro Seminar Series, February 2015.
Second Experimental Methods Conference, Mexico, February 2015.
International Economics Association, Jordan, June 2014
Advanced Graduate Workshop on Poverty, Development, and Globalization, Bangalore, January 2014.
Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Kolkata, India, December 19, 2013
First Experimental Methods Conference, Curacao, 2013.
Conference on Learning by Doing in Livelihoods Projects—Lessons from South Asia, World Bank, June 2013.
Conference of the Association for the Study of Religion, Economics, and Culture, Washington DC, April 2013.
University of Zurich and UNICEF, Conference on Social Norms and Human Development, March 2013.
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Successful Societies Research Network, Toronto, Feb. 2013
World Bank Workshop on Social Exclusion, Jan. 2013
Behavioral Development Economics Conference, World Bank, Nov. 2012
University of Memphis, February 2012
University of Warwick, November 2011
Paris School of Economics, November 2011
Center for Global Justice, University of California-San Diego, November 2011
George Mason University, Center for Social Complexity, October 2011
Delhi School of Economics, September 2011
UNU-WIDER Conference on Poverty and Behavioural Economics (a keynote paper), Helsinki, Finland, September 2011
New Economic School, Moscow, June 2011
International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF), The State University
Higher School of Economics, Moscow, June 2011
University of Pittsburgh/Carnegie-Mellon joint seminar, April 2011
Yale University, April 2011
UNICEF Academic Consultation on Social Norms and the Human Rights and Well-being of Children,
November 2010
World Bank-Delhi, August 2010
University of California-Santa Barbara, May 2010
University of California-Berkeley (Department of Sociology), May 2010
University of California-San Diego, May 2010
Indiana University, April 2010
World Bank, Poverty and Applied Micro Seminar , March 2010
Brown University, March 2010
American Economic Association Annual Meetings, Atlanta, January 2010
Trento Festival of Economics, Trento, Italy, May 2009
World Bank, Poverty and Applied Micro Seminar , May 2009
Princeton University, Economics Department, April 2009
Institute for Advanced Studies (Princeton), Social Norms and Cooperation Seminar, December 2008
Princeton University, Political Science Department, December 2008
University of Arizona, October 2008
Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi, July 2008
Delhi School of Economics, July 2008
University of Zurich, April 2008
Ohio State University, April 2008
American Economic Association, January 2008
Panel on Psychology and Development: Theory and Experimental Evidence
Panel on Economics and Social Identity
Georgetown University Law Center, Law and Economics Workshop, October 2007
Joint World Bank-IMF seminar, September 2007
University of Manchester, July 2007
Conference on “Measuring Preferences in a Social Context,” University of Texas at Dallas, May 2007
Economists’ Forum 2007, World Bank, April 2007
University of Maryland, School of Public Policy, March 2007
George Washington University, March 2007
Cornell University, November 2006
World Bank, Poverty and Applied Micro Seminar , November 2006
MacArthur Research Network on the Effects of Inequality, MIT, October 2006.
University of Manchester, August 2006.
American Economic Association Annual Meetings, Panels on: Economic Consequences of Social Identity, and Experiments in Developing Countries, January 2006
Stanford University, Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, November 2005.
Tufts University, November 2005.
APSA, Poster Session, September 2005
InterAmerican Development Bank, June 2005
Columbia University, April 2005
Cornell-Pew conference on “Empirical work on identities, communities and networks,” March 2005
MacArthur Foundation Norms and Preferences Working Group, U. of Pennsylvania, Jan. 2005
Unpublished discussions, 2005 to date
Ravi Kanbur, “Efficiency and equity in a society-economy integrated model,” Cornell University, Oct. 29, 2021.
Colin Camerer, “Natural strategic thinking in the lab, brain, and field.” 12th Annual Kenneth Arrow Lecture, Columbia University, March 5, 2020.
Vicky Fouka, ASSA conference, session on “From culture to governance: Towards a comparative economics of institutions and organizations.” Jan. 2020.
George Akerlof, Phishing for Phools, International Economic Association Conference, Mexico, June, 2017.
Ruth Meinzen-Dick et al., “Playing games to save water: Collective action games for groundwater management in India.” Water in Agriculture Innovation Series on Games for Groundwater Governance, World Bank, May 28, 2017.
Emile Bruneau, “Applying Behavioral Science to Promote Roma Inclusion,” World Bank, June 25, 2015
Robert Putnam, Our Kids, World Bank, June 22, 2015.
Dan Ariely, “Using nudges and incentives to expand the coverage of social insurance programs to informal workers,” World Bank, April 2015.
Mukesh Eswaran, “A gender-based theory of the origin of the caste system of India,” at the Conference of the Association for the Study of Religion, Economics, and Culture, Washington DC, April 2013.
Herbert Gintis, The Bounds of Reason: Game Theory and the Unification of the Behavioral Sciences, World Bank PREM Seminar , April 2010.
Discussant for book launch - SDN and PRMGE Event: On Norms and Agency: Conversations about Gender Equality in 20 Countries, January 2013
Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson, Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty, Cato Institute, April 4, 2012
Gerry Mackie, “Travelling to the Village of Knowledge,” Conference on Deliberation for Development: New Directions, World Bank, November 2010
Conference on History and Development, University of Manchester, April 2008
AEA Panel on “Design and reform of institutions in LDCs and transition economies,” with papers contributed by W. Easterly, D. Rodrik, and A. Greif, Annual Meetings of the American Economic Association, January 2008.
Daniel Benjamin, James Choi and Joshua Strickland, "Social Identity and Preferences," NBER Macroeconomics and Individual Decision Making Conference, November 2007.
Gregory Clark, A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the Western World, Princeton University Press, Book launch at the InfoShop, October 2007.
Serguey Braguinsky, “The rise and fall of post-communist oligarchs: Legitimate and illegitimate children of Praetorian Communism,” World Bank Conference on Microeconomics of Growth, June 2007.
Joana Naritomi, Juliano Assuncao, and Rodrigo Soares, “Rent Seeking and the Unveiling of ‘De Facto’ Institutions: Development and Colonial Heritage within Brazil,” Center for Global Development, Washington DC, April 2007.
Iris Bohnet and Richard Zechkauser, “The Impact of Social Preferences on Trust,” Annual Meetings of the American Economic Association, Jan. 2006.
Mark Granovetter, “The Social Construction of Corruption,” World Bank Social Science and Policy Seminar, November 2005.
World Bank Development Report 2006. “What can development economists explain by taking into account people’s perceptions of fairness?” Background paper.
American Economics Journals—Applied Economics, American Economic Review, American Political Science Review, Annual Bank Conference in Development Economics, Cambridge University Press, Brookings Institution, Canadian Journal of Economics, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Columbia University Press, Economic Inquiry, Economic Journal, Economica, Economics Letters, Economics of Transition, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Development Studies, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Economic Education, Journal of Economic Literature, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Economic Inequality, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Public Economics, National Science Foundation, Princeton University Press, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, Rand Journal, Review of Economics and Statistics, Science, Southern Economic Journal, Science, World Bank Economic Review, World Development
Courses taught
Graduate courses:
Behavioral Development Economics
Social Norms and Informal Institutions
Economics of Development
The Economics of Transition in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union,
The Economics of Uncertainty and Information
Microeconomic Theory
Undergraduate courses:
Behavioral Insights into Economics Development (Senior Seminar)
The Role of Cognitive Frames in Societal Rigidity and Change (Capstone Seminar at University of Pennsylvania, in the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Department)
Uncertainty and Information
Public Finance
International Economics
Principles of Microeconomics
Thesis supervisor of Adam Berry, co-winner of the Department of Economics Senior Thesis Prize, Princeton University, Class of 2009, for “Social Welfare or Class Warfare? Anti-Discrimination Policy, the Wage Gap, and Class Division”
11-25-21 Empowering women through participatory theater, Ideas for India
11-7-19 Changing the culture of economics: The 2019 Nobel laureates
2-20-19 Learning to cooperate in a culture of honour, Ideas for India (translated into Hindi at
2-13-19 Learning to cooperate and a culture of honor
9-4-18 A behavioral perspective on why social exclusion is hard to change
4-18-18 Interview with ideas42 on behavioral economics
10-11-17 A celebration of Richard Thaler’s Nobel Prize and a new field – Behavioral Development Economics thaler-s-nobel-prize-and-new-field-behavioral-development-economics
3-13-17 Kenneth Arrow and the promise of behavioral development economics
6-29-16 Behavioral interventions: Designing interventions for real people
6-22-16 Do social factors determine “who we are” as well as the choice sets we have?
5-19-15 Bringing behavior economics to development
5-08-15 Reframing and other small miracles for development
12-05-13 Do our minds play tricks on us?
Karla Hoff teaches behavioral development economics at Columbia University and is working on a book, The Other Invisible Hand: How Cultural Thinking Shapes Societies and Well-being, for Columbia University Press. In 2020, she retired from the position of Lead Economist at the World Bank, where she was Co-Director of the World Development Report 2015. She holds a B.A. in French from Wellesley College and a Ph.D. in Economics from Princeton University.
In papers published in the American Economic Review, she has shed light on why residential segregation between renters and homeowners deepens poverty, how cueing a social identity affects cognitive performance, and how Big Bang privatization in Russia impeded the emergence of a political demand for the rule of law. Her current work is in behavioral economics and sheds light on how socio-cultural interactions shape preferences, cognition, and perceptions. She has conducted lab-in-the-field experiments in India to show how caste identity affects learning, trust, and the ability to cooperate. She coedited two books, The Economics of Rural Organization and Poverty Traps.
In papers published in the American Economic Review, she has shed light on why residential segregation between renters and homeowners deepens poverty, how cueing a social identity affects cognitive performance, and how Big Bang privatization in Russia impeded the emergence of a political demand for the rule of law. Her current work is in behavioral economics and sheds light on how socio-cultural interactions shape preferences, cognition, and perceptions. She has conducted lab-in-the-field experiments in India to show how caste identity affects learning, trust, and the ability to cooperate. She coedited two books, The Economics of Rural Organization and Poverty Traps.
CV; Updated July 2021